Tuesday, July 27, 2010

i was sitting on the comp today and came by the most disturbing but awesome thing in the history of awesome.

its a screen shot of a page from a manga

well i will let you see for a second.....hold on......



but it begs a question,
in this fictional world where the a super aryan

is there like a super human japanese person (god forbid if its kim jong )
and like would the super human black guy be Obama?!?!?!?!?!?!

i think i will try to get someone to draw them

will keep you in the loop.

Monday, July 26, 2010

so its been a while since i wrote

i wasn't going to do this today, but after the third, fourth, fifth time it has happened today i have to say something.

(and i will say this in a loud enough voice so people can hear it.)

what the fuck is up with every black guy i know who comes downtown, rocking the hood uniform.

and why do all of them come into my store?

and why do all of them come in holding huge wads of cash like its supposed to make me react differently to them cause they have a miserly 231.25 out for show?

is it so the can show interest in buying a product, are they showing me they are a baller? (what ever the fuck that means)

or is it that they are so immature, and insecure they have to show some kind of masculine trait to the world (look i can buy shit with the money i earned, i am a man {beats chest})

why are people so dumb

second of all

can we get a new hood uniform?

like really
white shirt
dark pants

what are you, in elementary school, where they have a dress code?

i have had 4 guys walk into my store. they all look older than 23, but they all are dressed like they attend Wilson middle school.

dudes seriously, get out the hood, away from the projects. get a real job, the kind you actually have to pay taxes with and everything. find a real woman, then have her dress you properly for fuck sakes. you look like you just stepped out of Silverman's back to school section.

Do i really have to get mad a this shit that makes no sense. i mean really, i understand the nature of the hood uniform (a bunch of people are doing dirty shit in the neighborhood, and it makes it easier for you to blend so the cops can pick up the wrong guy so you don't get popped, blah blah blah)

but do you have to dress like a 13 year old child?

the sad shit is the are now changing the colors of school uniforms so 12 year olds will stop getting picked up by cops, cause some 32 year old shithead wants to rob someone during school hours with the hood uniform on.
(true statement, but you will never see it on the news, EVER)

am i the only one who thinks this makes no sense?