Everything Makes Sense, except when it DOSENT!
This is a place for me to talk about.....well...Things that make sense, and the shit that DOES NOT!!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
A addendum to "Death within Capitalism"
Monday, November 21, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Death within Capitolism
This is part One of several parts of a series.
Originally posted 10/17/2011
The Death within Capitalism, Why it must happen, And why its prevention has lead to our current state of Affairs.
I was pondering a while back as to why we have gotten ourselves as a country, into this mud stuck, no traction era of economics. And I see the problem. We live in a society now where we don’t let things that need to die, die. We fight with all of our selfish breath to sustain it past its expiration date, even when the world can smell the fetid, putrid gasses of its own decomposition. This is why we have a system that claims to be capitalist, yet it is more of a monarchy that has long since inbred itself into utter non-relevance. (Not a jab at England, so don’t even go there.)
Don’t believe me, then tell me this, and I will modify this question to include all aspects of the economy: In the past fifty years, name me something that has happened that is considered a revolution in a capitalist sense, that is not a reinvention, and upgrade, or redo of something we already have?
Go ahead and think, I will wait...............
There is lies the rub. We can’t. We have been indoctrinated to believe everything that is to be made that can sustain our society has been made, or reinvented to its fullest, when that is a out right lie. And why are we told these lies? Because the ones who make the money off of the status quo refuse to see, they have made their wealth and mark, and wish to hold onto the throne by any means necessary, to the detriment of the cause and goals they originally set out to attain.
Still don’t follow? Here, I will draw you the map of something that should have died and been reborn a long time ago, but it still lumbers on like the necrotic dead we like to call zombies. The zombie....The Chrysler Corporation.
This auto manufacturer at its beginning set a goal to be innovative, and inclusive in the innovations, to strive for the evolution of the auto industry, for it to become a leader in global innovation dealing in the auto industry. And to their word, they did become that. With multiple patents, and innovations that lead to an era of firsts and lasting things that are still around today. But to their discredit, what has their latest innovation been, that has rewritten the industry, broken walls and boundaries, and lead to an evolution........
Go ahead, I can wait.......
Now let me stop you right there. Some are going to say "what about the 7-8 speed transmissions they are now putting out, that save on fuel economy and such?" The technology and innovation and knowledge about these transmissions have been around for decades. Don’t believe me, look at any big rig truck, and ask the drivers, "how many gears are in your transmission?", and that will answer your question. "But the technology is now only becoming viable for smaller vehicles, you should be overjoyed?!" Look to the past and see how many companies tried to release a car with more than 5-6 speeds and see the problem I speak of. The where devoured by the likes of Chrysler, and her brethren , the technology hidden away, to be used as a sustaining lifeline to keep the monolith from dying and being reborn in the flames. Most people don’t know there are 3 U.S. patents that have been taken from people, to hide a truth from the population. The means of super cheap vehicle power, to the tune of cents per mile, not dollars, has been around for over 20 years. But where are they? Hidden in vaults kept by old money, who’s only wish is in their deathbeds, not to relinquish the reins to the new breed, but keep those reins held fast to where people will have to pry them away from their greed encrusted fingers.
And in the doing of such to keep those reins held fast long past the time of being able to use those reins to drive towards anything, they have corrupted our nation from the top down. Our elected officials, who have become accustomed to sucking from flesh dead teat’s long past the giving age, are now addicted to the few drops they receive, and will, bend, manipulate, and right out destroy anything that threatens the death of their poisoned milk. Even to the point of killing the things that will break free of their addiction to poison. Our media, which once stood for truth beyond all, now twisted on one poison or the other, does not matter which poison, because they are both from the same diseased, long past its prime bosom. To the unions, once for the sake of the people to not getting squashed, have now become the feet that does the squashing. All the way down to the individual, who is no longer a person, but a dollar sign, a commodity to be used in the ever long feeding of an entity, that should have been dead long ago, but refuses to perish?
Still questioning, good, that’s what needs to happen. Here is one to think of, When the Bailout of Chrysler happened, what good has come from it? There are thousands who have not returned to work, thousands more whose job no longer exist in the U.S., millions of dollars unused, yet C.E.O's still racking in millions, from where? Sales have not exploded to explain it, so from where? Take a guess? Cause there is only one place. And if you see that place, then you know what is needed.
And this goes beyond Chrysler. This goes to the banks of America who have ridden the new wave of make the dollar work for us, to the detriment of the man who invested the dollar. To the corporations who claim to be true American corporations, who send our jobs overseas, despite thousands of willing Americans are willing to do those jobs. To the union leaders, who now act like Mafioso’s with steel hands ready to crush people, not because they are a threat, but because they don’t like your rules, and don’t want to join your gang. To the media, who are so in bed with every corporation for advertising dollars, they will sell their soul and all things like integrity and unbiased truth to make a few more dollars. Down to the individual, who has become so happy to get a flat screen TV for cheap, we are willing to abandon, destroy, and forget one unifying factor that founded this country, and its economic system.
That is to let which is dying die in an honored manner. And if it refuses to die when the time comes, to destroy it, for it is what needs to be done for us to continue to grow as a people, an economy, as a nation. We chose as a nation to fight and destroy the bounds to a monarchy that kept us in repression. We chose to fight and kill the demons of slavery and segregation. We choose to fight and destroy those things that would see us back under rules and regulations that would stop us from being free men. So why now.......of all times, do we choose not to fight, to just accept it like the excessive fees we pay at the ATM. Because we have been poisoned. And I pray that my words can be the antidote.
We don’t have to take it, we no longer need to be poisoned, or be seen as a dollar sign. It is our Duty as people of the U.S., to fight for and destroy the things that keep us from moving forward as a people. If our system of economics has been poisoned and used against us, we must fight and destroy the ones and ways that lead it and feed the poison to our government, our unions, and our people. If there is one thing we should unify on, it is this: WE ARE NOT DOLLAR SIGNS, WE ARE NOT COMMODITIES, WE ARE NOT STOCKS TO BE TRADED AND SOLD LIKE CATTLE OF OLD. WE ARE PEOPLE, WE ARE HUMAN, AND WE ARE NO LONGER TO BE POISONED, AND WE WILL FIGHT TO DESTROY THE POISON, FOR WE NO LONGER NEED IT.
If you understand this and believe it to be true, don't just read it, copy and send it to others. pass it on to Occupy Everywhere, Move-It, and more. Spread it to the dens and homes of everyone. For this is the first shot of many......
Next in the series...."How to destroy the undead monoliths, and free the phoenix that resides inside."
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
so in conclusion part two
so ive come to the conclusion
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010
so its been a while since i wrote
i wasn't going to do this today, but after the third, fourth, fifth time it has happened today i have to say something.
(and i will say this in a loud enough voice so people can hear it.)
what the fuck is up with every black guy i know who comes downtown, rocking the hood uniform.
and why do all of them come into my store?
and why do all of them come in holding huge wads of cash like its supposed to make me react differently to them cause they have a miserly 231.25 out for show?
is it so the can show interest in buying a product, are they showing me they are a baller? (what ever the fuck that means)
or is it that they are so immature, and insecure they have to show some kind of masculine trait to the world (look i can buy shit with the money i earned, i am a man {beats chest})
why are people so dumb
second of all
can we get a new hood uniform?
like really
white shirt
dark pants
what are you, in elementary school, where they have a dress code?
i have had 4 guys walk into my store. they all look older than 23, but they all are dressed like they attend Wilson middle school.
dudes seriously, get out the hood, away from the projects. get a real job, the kind you actually have to pay taxes with and everything. find a real woman, then have her dress you properly for fuck sakes. you look like you just stepped out of Silverman's back to school section.
Do i really have to get mad a this shit that makes no sense. i mean really, i understand the nature of the hood uniform (a bunch of people are doing dirty shit in the neighborhood, and it makes it easier for you to blend so the cops can pick up the wrong guy so you don't get popped, blah blah blah)
but do you have to dress like a 13 year old child?
the sad shit is the are now changing the colors of school uniforms so 12 year olds will stop getting picked up by cops, cause some 32 year old shithead wants to rob someone during school hours with the hood uniform on.
(true statement, but you will never see it on the news, EVER)
am i the only one who thinks this makes no sense?